Фразовий дієслово pull

Фразовий дієслово PULL

Pull round - одужувати
He was just beginning to pull round after his operation.

Pull away - виділятися, відриватися від лідера
Sullivan pulled away in the final lap.

Pull back - відступати
Our tank forces pulled back to regroup.

Pull off - відходити, від`їжджати
If you`re feeling sleepy, pull off the road immediately and have a rest.

Pull out - виймати, висувати, скасовувати
The firm is pulling out of the personal computer business.

Pull up Роблячий паузу, виправляти
Their taxi pulled up outside the church.

Pull in Роблячий паузу
We pulled in at the side of the road.

Pull on - натягувати одяг
Emily pulled on her gloves as she walked.

Pull down - знести
The old warehouse has been pulled down.

Pull over - зупинятися
Let`s pull over and have a look at the map.

Pull apart- розвести бійку
Are not you going to pull them apart?

Pull ahead - випередити
The German team pulled ahead in the next race.

Pull through -вижіть, протягнути
Do not worry, your dad`s going to pull through

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